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Searching for solutions

The literature review for this blog identified 31 obstacles we must overcome to solve the problem of (youth) crime in Alice Springs. These can be divided into three groups:


- The way we think about the problem

- Problems within the law

- Trauma-related problems



The widely-publicised Dylan Voller case illustrates how the problem develops into revolving-door-justice and counterproductive prisons that are absurd, traumatising, vicariously traumatising, and extremely expensive to run.

The Zak Grieve case illustrates how the combination of mandatory sentencing and the laws of complicity put young and vulnerable offenders and the public at risk. The still-evolving Zak Rolfe and Dylan Voller cases illustrate how trauma in offenders, victims, and law enforcement

causes volatile situations that put the whole community at risk. The Dylan Voller case and the 'case of Mick' illustrate that most prisoners want "a normal life" and would benefit from the normality principle used in Scandinavian and Greenlandic humane prisons.

Community members of all cultural backgrounds have been consulted for ideas as to how to solve the problem.

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