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Early warnings
Vision development
Strategy development
Innovation strategy
Future strategy

Nightmare scenario

Crime: Early warnings 

A method to detect early signals of crime, interpret them, and translate them into appropriate actions.

A smart and future-oriented community keeps a constant eye on changes in crime in the community. But not every signal develops into an impactful trend. Sustainable Justice Australia offers you support and the right methodology to distinguish signals from noise. An adequately designed signalling function can prevent strategic risks.

Sustainable Justice Australia can alert you and your community to the most crucial early warning signals of escalating crime.

Crime: Vision development

What do we stand for? And what are we aiming for? A good vision energises your community and motivates its' members. Be able to discuss the most important strategic choices. Use scenario planning for your vision development. Scenarios describe the consequences of choices and enable informed, strategic conversation about a community's options.

Crime: strategy development

Find a good crime strategy in the complex environment that a community is. Explore the uncertain developments that determine its future and respond in a timely manner. Scenarios helps. Scenario planning focuses on uncertainties in your community. Scenarios are radical but achievable visions of the future that can break through the dominant culture to achieve change. Scenarios make the future discussable and workable.

Scenarios form the basis of a  strategic discussion.

Crime: Innovation Strategy

Innovation is essential when current strategies don't work. Innovation must have strategy. Learn methods to achieve innovation; new ideas within your community and the right tools to implement innovations in your community.

Crime: Future strategy

Understand future opportunities and challenges. Improves the quality of your strategic decisions.Sustainable Justice Australia enables you to gain a broader outlook of the future without losing track of the present. Our future or trend research maps out the consequences of crime in your community and how to respond to it in a sustainable manner. We are data-driven, grass root and well connected. We organise workshops and master classes where the needs of your community are central.

Crime: Nightmare scenario

What if crime has already escalated? And what effect does this have on your community? The nightmare scenario is the worst thing that can happen to a community. Timely consideration will ensure that the nightmare scenario will not come to pass. Sustainable Justice Australia provides opportunities for innovation through master classes and workshops.


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